Man playing Middle Eastern darbouka

Here’s how I can help with your next project

  • Do you need drum tracks for your recordings?

    Are you in need of original music for an occasion, art installation, or film?

    Would you like a second set of ears on your recording mixes?

    With my fully functioning studio I can provide these and more to help you achieve the mood and experience you’re looking for.

  • Do you represent a university arts unit or a nonprofit arts organization in need of an external viewpoint?

    Are you a local or regional representative hoping to increase awareness and importance of the arts in your community?

    I’ve worked with several organizations and communities to advance their work and presence in the arts.

  • Are you starting to apply for administrative positions within a university or nonprofit arts organization?

    Through work with application documents and interview technique sessions I’ve helped dozens of applicants achieve their goals.

    Are you new to a leadership role and looking for an experienced arts leader who can mentor and inspire you?

    I’ve provided career improving coaching sessions to a wide variety of arts and higher education professionals.